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Interluding Opus Child and Family Music Therapy

1310 NW Vivion Road 

Suite 108

Kansas City, MO 64118

p: 816-868-6040


“Songs express who we are and how we feel, they bring us closer to others, they keep us company when we are alone. They articulate our beliefs and values, and they bear witness to our lives. Songs weave tales of our joys and sorrows, they reveal our innermost secrets, and they express our hopes and disappointments, our fears and triumphs. They are our musical diaries, our life stories. They are the sounds of our personal development."

Dr. Kenneth Bruscia 

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An experience-based approach. An evidence-based practice. Music Therapy with Interluding Opus is entirely client-centered. 

Meet Rachel

Rachel Cooper-Stadler, MME, MT-BC is a board-certified music therapist with additional training and certifications in Motivational Interviewing, Theraplay ®, Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI), Trauma Informed Care models and approaches (TIC), and other attachment-based or trauma informed modalities. With board-certification (MT-BC) Rachel can serve Clients across the United States. 


She specializes in working with children, teens, and families. Rachel approaches each session with cultural humility, and believes each Client is the expert in their own experience. Rachel partners with Clients to support them in authentic and genuine ways throughout their care. 

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Practice Areas

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Music Therapy can address many areas. If something isn't listed below and you're curious about whether or not Music Therapy might be a good fit, contact Interluding Opus, LLC here. Questions are always welcome.


Toddlers (ages 2-4)

This can be a challenging age for many reasons! MT might be a good fit for a toddler if:

  • English is a second language

  • Speech isn't fully developed or hard to understand

  • Behavioral outbursts or tantrums feel excessive

  • Your child struggles to separate from you

  • Adoption has taken place

  • Recent difficult life events have taken place

  • Loss of a loved one has occurred

  • A family member, friend, or caregiver has been deployed



Similar to Child & Parent sessions, Family sessions address the whole family and family dynamics present- whoever you identify as family. 



This age bracket encompasses 5-11 at Interluding Opus, LLC. MT might be a good fit if:

  • Child is struggling in school

  • Child is presenting with worry or anxiety

  • Behavioral outbursts are common

  • Adoption has taken place

  • A change in custody has taken place

  • A family member, friend, or caregiver has been deployed

  • Difficult life events have occurred

  • Speech is a struggle

  • Loss of a loved one has occurred

  • Self-Identity/Self-Expression are a concern



This age bracket encompasses 12-18 at Interluding Opus, LLC. MT might be a good fit if:

  • A mental health diagnosis of anxiety, depression, OCD, or adjustment disorder has been given

  • School is a struggle

  • Friendships/relationships feel harder than they should be

  • Self-Identity or Self-Expression are challenging or don't feel safe

  • Self-harm is occuring

  • Any items mentioned for previous ages feel applicable


Child & Parent

Sessions with a child and parent typically include one child and one parent, or two parents. This can also be referred to as dyadic interaction therapy. This type of session focuses on the relationship between the identified child and parent(s). MT might be a good fit if:

  • Recent changes in custody have taken place

  • A family member, friend, or caregiver has been deployed or returned from deployment

  • Adoption has taken place

  • Something feels "off" in the relationship between caregiver and child

  • A history of abuse, neglect, trauma or violence has occurred for parent and/or child


Consultation & Supervision

Consultation and Supervision are available for MT-BCs as well as for other credentialed professionals.  This service is available to:

  • Practicing MT-BCs

  • MT-BCs with a focus in trauma, attachment, poverty, and regulation concerns

  • MT-BCs with a desire to process cases/treatment options for Clients

  • Credentialed Professionals curious about Music Therapy or inquiring about a referral

Practice Areas
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